Current sign at 252 & 303

Liverpool Township
Liverpool Township
Progress and a belief in the future...
Liverpool Township (Valley City) is located in Medina County, Ohio about 20 miles south of Cleveland. The township is governed by a Board of Township Trustees composed of 3 Trustees and a Fiscal Officer. All four are elected to four-year terms that are staggered so that every two years, either one Trustee and the Clerk, or two Trustees are up for election. The Trustees take office on January 1st and the Clerk takes office on April 1st following the election. The Board of Trustees decides issues of Liverpool Township Policy and is responsible for all expenditures of Township funds. The Board also appoints all Zoning officials and hires Township Employees. According to research and Township residents, Liverpool Township was the first permanent settlement in Medina County. In 1795 this township became the property of Daniel Coit of Connecticut, who advertised the land for sale. He was part of the Connecticut Land Company, which had bought the Connecticut Western Reserve for about 40 cents an acre. The Western Reserve was land set aside by the Continental Congress for payment of Revolutionary War Soldiers in lieu of wages. Edward Heath also a native of Connecticut first surveyed Liverpool Township. At this time the Township was wilderness abounding with wild beasts including bears, wolves, deer and otters.